- The Rated output and speed of a servo motor are applicable when the servo amplifier, combined with the servo motor, is operated within the specified power supply voltage and frequency.
- To select the most suitable regenerative option for your system with our capacity selection software.
- Regenerative Option in the catalog for the tolerable regenerative power. When the regenerative option is used.
- When using the built-in dynamic brake, refer to the MR-JE-A Servo Amplifier Instruction Manual” for the permissible load to the motor inertia ratio.
- When the servo amplifiers are closely mounted, keep the ambient temperature within 0 ℃ to 45 ℃, or use them with 75% or less of the effective load ratio.

- RS-422 communication function is available with the servo amplifiers manufactured in December 2013 or later. RS-485 communication function is available with the servo amplifiers.
- This value is applicable when a 3-phase power supply is used.
- Cast distance by the dynamic brake of the HG-KN/HG-SN servo motor series may be different from prior HF-KN/HF-SN.
- When 1-phase 200 VAC to 240 V AC power supply is used, use them with 75% or less of the effective load ratio.
- Compatible with Mitsubishi general-purpose AC servo protocol (RS-422/RS-485 communication) and MODBUS RTU protocol (RS-485 communication).