Delta CP2000+ Inverter VFD distributor & supplier in BD
Delta electronics Sensorless Vector Control Drive CP2000+ Series has elongated the conception of energy preserving and utilizes this principal as the substructure of its design. The CP2000+ is categorically designed for applications such as air blowers, pumps control and HVAC (Heating ventilation air conditioning) drives with its keenly intellective PID control providing the greatest efficiency.

The Sensorless Vector Control (SVC) offers timely replication to load torque increase/decrease. Which gratifies customer requisites for load changes while enhancing motor performance. The V/F curve aplication is utilized in the variable torque environment to adequately adjust. There is input voltage and procure the greatest overall performance.

This function is especially auxiliary in pumps and fans applications. It withal includes adscititious functions for operation and auspice in variable load environments, such as flying commences, auto-expedition/deceleration, momentary power loss restarts, auto-tuning, and more.