In conclusion, OMRON CPM2C-20EDR I/O UNIT best price seller in BD is BD Engineering Solution. However, Omron’s solid CPM2C miniature regulator rethinks the continuous miniature PLC. CPM2C 33 mm width permits it to squeeze into little spaces. Moreover, offers 119 guidelines, and has handling speeds matching some ‘little’ PLCs. Therefore, the 20 I/O units with transfer yields are the littlest in the business. However, Different correspondence choices alongside cutting-edge. Moreover, movement control highlights empower the CPM2C to give a strong answer for essentially any limited-scale control application.
CPM2C extension units compact PLC
Extend the limit of your CPM2C PLC
Extension I/O units with 8 to 32 I/O directs make it conceivable to design a control system with a maximum of 192 I/O focuses
Requesting data
Unit Output typeI/O Connectors InputsOutputsOrder code
Extension I/O units-1 Fujitsu (24 pt) 8-CPM2C-8EDC
1 MIL (20pt) CPM2C-8EDM
-1 Fujitsu (24 pt) 16-CPM2C-16EDC
2 MIL (20pt) CPM2C-24EDT1M Transistor yield (source type)2 Fujitsu (24 pt) 1616CPM2C-32EDT1C
1 MIL (20pt) CPM2C-16EDM Relay1 Terminal block – 8CPM2C-8ER Transistor yield (source type)1 Fujitsu (24 pt) CPM2C-8ET1C
2 MIL (20pt) CPM2C-32EDT1M Analog I/O units Analog (goal 1/6,000) 2 Terminal blocks 21CPM2C-MAD11
OMRON I/O module CPM2C-20EDR seller in Bangladesh
1 MIL (20pt) CPM2C-8ET1M Transistor yield (source type)1 Fujitsu (24 pt) – 16CPM2C-16ET1C
1 MIL (20pt) CPM2C-16ET1M Relay2 Terminal blocks 64CPM2C-10EDR Relay2 Terminal blocks 128CPM2C-20EDR Transistor yield (source type)2 Fujitsu (24 pt) 168CPM2C-24EDT1C
Temperature sensor units Thermocouple input1 Terminal block 2-CPM2C-TS001
Platinum opposition input1 Terminal block 2-CPM2C-TS101
CompoBus/S I/O connect unit – 1 Terminal block I/O connection of 8 information pieces and 8 result bits CPM2C-SRT21
RS-232C and RS422 connector units – 1 D-sub 9-pinRS-232CCPM2C-CIF01-V1
1 Terminal block and
1 D-sub 9-pin
RS-232C and RS422 CPM2C-CIF11
Note: Expansion I/O units with obtaining semiconductor yields are likewise accessible with sinking semiconductor yields.
MIL = connector as indicated by MIL-C-83503 (viable with DIN 41651/IEC 60603-1).